God makes great plans and dreams come true! No more than four years ago ouch church would meet in the kitchen of Pastor Paweł Chojecki’s flat and there were 30 of us. A few days ago we were visited by a lecturer from one of the biggest creationist organisations in the world – Answers in Genesis. The conference lasted for three days and was attended by nearly 150 people and watched by a few thousand viewers online. Praise the Lord! Here’s the link to a report from the conference: https://youtu.be/uxXfeeqmTvM
The participants were deeply impressed not only by Professor’s expertise but also by his humbleness and love for Jesus. This was clearly seen everywhere Professor appeared. Here’s the link to Professor Mortenson’s testimony: https://youtu.be/QRaBnPKUapg
Although no evolutionist representing Polish universities took up the challenge to debate Professor Mortenson, we need to pray so that his lectures could reach especially university circles in Poland. Here’s the link to Professor’s lectures in Lublin: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjUpr2IJF832A-GFmfwjEIB5_054_5uOv
The subject of creationism needs to be discussed in Poland and it gets a lot of publicity. As it turned out during the conference, almost 30% of the new believers had come to Christ as a result of their interest in the evolutionism-creationism debate.
We’re also grateful to God for blessing us financially. We now have such a functional venue to organize Christian conferences and it’s a unique thing in the whole of Poland. We’re waiting for more people willing to serve God!
Breaking news! One of our viewers met Professor Mortenson in the Creation Museum in Kentucky. Professor said ‘I didn’t know there are people in the USA who also watch Pastor Pawel Chojecki’;)
The conference was also a pre-evangelising event. We had invited a historical reenactment group which deals with the glory days of Poland, i.e. the sixteenth century – the age of Reformation. The group consists of Catholics but when they watched us for some time and listened to some lectures, they said, ‘You live like the first Christians did.’ They really want to have discussions with us and cooperate in the fields of politics and popularizing history. At the beginning of June we’re planning the next meeting for Go Against the Tide clubs and the reenactment group want to persuade 30 more reenactor to cooperate with us. Let’s pray for the spiritual fruit in that next group as God seems be be opening a door to them. It’s worth mentioning that the logo of our TV channel shows the wings of a Polish winged Hussar. We had had a dream to have such a reenactment group of our own but we quit the idea as we didn’t want to get distracted, as it is both costly and time-consuming. And God gave us such a group!;)
Another great gift from God was the article on the webpage and Twitter beloning to the John Birch Society, whose CEO, Arthur R.Thompson visited us in July last year. We’d contacted the organisation for the firt time during a trip to the USA in 2015. Last month we prayed for more publicity for our TV channel and we couldn’t dream of a better response to that prayer. See it for yourselves: https://www.jbs.org/jbs-news/news/item/19207-poland-s-go-against-the-tide
Tweet: https://twitter.com/The_JBS/status/971755154394492928
As we’ve been investing in new projects a lot recently, we experienced some financial shortages. We knew that although we are watched by over 20,000 viewers daily, only 800 of them sponsor us. Two weeks ago we asked our viewers to change it and over the last two weeks we gained 200 more sponsors. Praise the Lord for that!
A new Bible group is being organized in London. A catalyst for it was a visit of our TV crew in London to do an interview with Pastor Bob Fu who was a speaker at a conference devoted to the persecutions of Christans around the world. The new group consists of five newly born Christians.
We started the MEGACHURCH project and we’ve set up a website (megakosciol.pl) and published leaflets. We’re glad that the project is working in the real world and not only on paper.
God gave a huge publicity to our #NieJestemFeministką (#NotAFeminist) action that reached nearly 3 million people. New initiatives have followed: a new video clip and a blog run by Eunika and Kornelia, Pastor Chojecki’s daughters. The blog is in English as well: greaterthings.pl. We recommend another new initiative for Christian women: #JestemKobietaWyzwolona (#IAmALiberated Woman.) http://greaterthings.pl/aktualnosci/i-am-a-liberatedwoman-and-you/
Prayer matters
-Pray for God’s blessing to Professor Terry Mortenson’s lectures in Polish and for the creation ministry in Poland.
-Pray for God’s blesssing for our Bible groups in Poland and abroad so that they could become biblical churches in the future.
-Pray for the wisdom we need to organize the next meeting for our Go Against the Tide groups at the end of May and the beginning of June.
-Pray for the doctoral defense of our two doctoral students in mathematics and philosophy.
Thank you for your great support in prayers.
With best regards,
Paweł Chojecki
Pastor of The Church of The New Covenant in Lublin
Go Against the Tide Magazine and TV, Editor-in-Chief