They came after me, they will come after you – Pastor...
Pastor Pawel Chojecki is accused by the prosecutor's office of allegedly insulting the religious feelings of Catholics by harshly criticizing the Mass. He was...
Lublin, 13.09.2019
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I’m writing to you about a Christian University, creation of which is necessary for effective and lasting evangelization...
American Involvement in Poland Should Be Increased
Tom Rogan`s recent proposal in the Washington Examiner to relocate more U.S. troops from Germany to Poland is by all means noteworthy and commendable....
Polish Pastor Paweł Chojecki Warnes Against Communism In the Church!
A week after his return from the Unites States, Pastor Paweł Chojecki gave a sermon on how to drive the communists out of churches....
Homo catholicus – homo sovieticus? [ENG] #MegaChurch
Pastor Paweł Chojecki, New Covenant Church in Lublin, Poland
Translation: Katarzyna Wierbol
We are told to believe that the Catholic Church abolished communism. To begin, let’s...