How to make a decision?

#Megachurch #IPPTV #Megakosciol


The only fair punishment you deserve because of your sins is eternal separation from God, i.e. hell. Jesus Christ, Almighty God, made an all-sufficient sacrifice on the Cross, by washing clean all the sins of your past, present, and future.

He can hear you and He answers your prayers according to His will. You can address Him without any intermediaries, regardless of your condition, time and place. God looks at the sincerity of your heart and is eagerly waiting for your prayer.


Just tell Him, silently or out loud, that you know what kind of danger threatens you, that you are grateful for His sacrifice made for you and that you accept it.

Below is a simple prayer you may pray to be saved. Remember, however, that a prayer is a personal conversation with God, not a formula. Thus, treat the below words only as a help:

“Dear Lord Jesus! Thank You for everything You have done for me. Thank You, as today You have found me and helped me understand Your wonderful good news of salvation. I recognize my sinfulness and the fact that since I have broken Your laws, I justly deserve eternal damnation. I believe that You paid the full price for my sins on the cross. Thank You for this. Please, save me. Give me a new, eternal life. I invite You to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day on. Please, transform me into your likeness. Amen.”