Session 3 – „Reformation in Poland – lessons for the modern people” [Report]

Last Saturday, October 29, 2022, Christians from Poland and Ukraine participated in the third congress of the Polish-Ukrainian Bible Institute in Lublin. We dealt with the topic „Reformation in Poland – lessons for the modern people”. The lectures were given by Piotr Setkowicz, an engineer by profession and historian by passion, who has a special fondness for studying the history of Christianity in Europe and Poland.

During the lectures, Piotr Setkowicz illustrated the history of the Reformation in the lands of the Republic of Poland in the 16th and 17th centuries, and then showed the reasons for the rapid extinction of the Reformation movement, which lost out to the Catholic counter-reformation. Among the main causes were a poor understanding of freedom manifested in the rejection of all instruction and admonition, a lack of personal conversion to Jesus, a sinful life, a poor upbringing of children, and a conjunctural approach to changing the faith. Plunging into quarrels and denominational disputes and lack of understanding and cooperation were also important factors. Participants had ample opportunity to ask questions and deepen the topics covered.

The lectures were followed by a discussion, during which the participants of the Polish-Ukrainian Biblical Institute in Lublin reflected on whether contemporary Christians are not repeating the same mistakes and whether they can meet the challenges posed by the modern world.

Lectures from the third convention are available on the  YouTube channel of the Polish-Ukrainian Bible Institute.

The Polish-Ukrainian Bible Institute in Lublin is the first project of its kind in our country. The main goal of the Institute is to integrate biblical Christians from Ukraine and Poland to carry out evangelistic and church projects together, as well as to exchange experiences of working for Jesus in the Ukrainian and Polish peoples, learning from each other, and praying together for the future of our nations. The institute works to the rhythm of ten monthly conventions.

The lecturers are pastors, professors, and Christian leaders drawn from various evangelical churches and organizations.

Piotr Setkowicz gave his life to Jesus in 1988 during his military service, which he served alongside Paweł Chojecki, now pastor of the New Covenant Church in Lublin. He participated in the Oasis movement of the 1980s and is associated with the New Covenant Church in Lublin. He has great knowledge and experience, is devoted to the things of God, and zealously serves in the church.

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