#megachurch #IPPTV



A new issue of the monthly ‘Go Against the Tide’ has come out. For those of you who’d like to better understand the history and the present of Poland we recommend reading the editorial by Pastor Paweł Chojecki: ‘The second baptism of Poland – delusions of a lunattic or the last Chance for Poles?’: https://idzpodprad.pl/aktualnosci/the-second-baptism-of-poland-delusions-of-a-lunatic-or-the-last-chance-for-the-poles/

Are Poles spiritually ready for an alliance with the USA?: https://youtu.be/_1DBQ8UbWik

To commemorate the Warsaw Uprising, one of the biggest and longest battles of WW2, we organized a trip following the combat trail of one of the Uprising units. Our guide was Dr Olgierd Kaltenberg, born in Warsaw in 1935 and now living in Texas, whose uncle fought in the unit. Over 50 people took part in the trip. On this occasion our youth recorded a clip: ‘Warsaw Uprising: teens honour the insurgents.’ The clip has English subtitles: https://youtu.be/JVj7cIFnwLE

Marcelina Witek, a javelin thrower supported by the Go Against the Tide TV took again the first place in the Polish Championship in Lublin. 

In June Pastor Paweł Chojecki and a mission group visited our Bible groups in Warsaw and Białystok. New Bible groups are being formed abroad – in Dublin and Belfast.

Prayer matters

Please pray for the August church camp and two camps for the new believers from our Bible groups. Pray especially for the marriages that are young in Christ so that they have the courage to make the necessary changes in their relationships and their families.

We’ve found a good offer of a real estate to buy and wer’re facing the challenge to collect the necessary funds or get a bank loan (it turned out that Polish banks don’t have offers for churches as the Catholic church, the biggest potential client, is generously subsidized by the Polish government and the European Union so it doesn’t need to loan from banks.)

#megachurch #IPPTV